Riding in Style: The Timeless Elegance of the 1959 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud

The 1959 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud holds a special place in automotive history, combining classic elegance with Hollywood glamour. This left-hand-drive beauty was commissioned by Hollywood producer and 20th Century Pictures co-founder, William Goetz. Its timeless design and craftsmanship have made it a sought-after collector’s item. Let’s explore the fascinating journey of this iconic automobile.

Hollywood’s Connection: William Goetz’s Order

In July 1958, William Goetz placed an order for a left-hand-drive 1959 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud with James Young providing the two-door saloon coachwork. The car, with chassis LSHF111, was delivered to Goetz on April 11, 1959, and remained in his possession until his passing in 1969.

A Legacy Continues: New Ownership and Refurbishment

After William Goetz’s ownership, the car found its way to an East Coast banker who cherished it for over a decade. Later in 1997, a Beverly Hills collector acquired the vehicle. Recognizing its historical significance, the collector commissioned a meticulous refurbishment completed in 2015. This restoration brought back the car’s original charm, making it a true showstopper.

A Pebble Beach Achievement

The restored 1959 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud made its grand appearance at the prestigious Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance. The dedication to detail and exquisite craftsmanship earned it the prestigious third place in its class, a testament to the car’s timeless allure.

Exquisite Design and Features

Finished in a captivating dark blue with striking red pinstripes, the Silver Cloud boasts a 4.9-liter F-head inline-six engine, paired with a four-speed Hydra-Matic automatic transmission. The car’s other noteworthy features include servo-assisted hydraulic drum brakes, power steering, air conditioning, and power windows. The interior showcases luxurious red leather upholstery and walnut-veneered fold-down rear tray tables.

A Collector’s Dream: Present Day

Today, the 1959 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud continues to captivate automobile enthusiasts and collectors alike. Its current owner proudly offers the coupe on dealer consignment, along with copies of its factory build documents, James Young literature, service records, an owner’s manual, a tool kit, and a clean Arizona title.

The 1959 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud remains an exceptional testament to the golden age of Hollywood and automotive craftsmanship. From its connection to William Goetz, its meticulous refurbishment, and its recognition at Pebble Beach, this classic car continues to mesmerize with its timeless elegance and luxurious features.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How many 1959 Rolls-Royce Silver Clouds were built with James Young coachwork?

  • Approximately 121 Silver Cloud I chassis received specialized coachwork from different coachbuilders, including James Young.

2. Is the 1959 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud fully restored?

  • Yes, a Beverly Hills collector commissioned a thorough refurbishment completed in 2015, restoring the car to its original splendor.

3. What awards has the 1959 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud won?

  • The car achieved third place in its class at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, a testament to its exceptional restoration.

4. What features make the 1959 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud special?

  • The car boasts an elegant design, a 4.9-liter F-head inline-six engine, servo-assisted hydraulic drum brakes, power steering, air conditioning, and power windows.

5. Is the 1959 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud available for purchase?

  • Yes, the current owner offers the car on dealer consignment, making it a unique opportunity for collectors and enthusiasts.

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